Acupuncture utilises a holistic and medicinal approach to diagnose, treat and prevent illnesses and ailments for over 2500 years. It can be used to effectively treat acute and chronic physical, mental and auto immune disease conditions such as fibromyalgia, irritable bowel syndrome, lower back pain, infertility, cosmetic acupuncture, depression and anxiety as well as alleviate pain, improve the body’s healing processes and strengthen the immune system. It also encompasses the insertion of fine needles along various energy or qi (pronounced "chee") meridians that flow throughout the body, thus enhancing the body’s ability to find and maintain a state of balance.
The human body comprises of more than 400 acupuncture points which correspond to various meridians: 12 primary energy meridians and 8 secondary meridians . These meridians allow a skilled practitioner to select from a variety of points which may include a local point, which is the actual location of the injury or discomfort - or a systemic point, which is a network of acupuncture points located across the body, ensuring optimal treatment success, thus dubbing the practice of acupuncture, both a precise science and an art.
There are both eastern and western opinions on how acupuncture works:
Eastern: The human body has two opposing forces: yin and yang. These forces flow throughout the body via various meridians. Imbalances of these forces or obstruction of qi flow, exhibit themselves as disease and pain. A TCM practitioner will first establish the root cause of the imbalance and thereafter insert fine needles into the correct acupuncture points along the appropriate meridian to establish free flowing qi and rectify the imbalance, thereby simultaneously alleviating the patient’s pain and disease.
Western: Acupuncture points are located near neural structures which stimulate the central nervous system (brain and spinal cord) to secrete neurotransmitters and hormones. These, in turn, dull or block pain, boost immunity, regulate hormonal systems and normalise body functionality for optimal health and well-being.